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May 2021

  • Heroes Stamp Design Competition

    Published 28/05/21

    Children in Year 4 were this week delighted to be taking part in the Royal Mail's Heroes Stamp Design Competition, honouring the heroes of the coronavirus pandemic. 

    During Art lessons, children worked on designing and colouring a stamp for the national competition. The best eight from across the UK will become a unique design set to be sold in shops and post offices. 

    Please look below at each class's winning designs and the stamps that will be sent as St Edmund's representation.

    Thank you Mrs Pope and Year 4, for your hard work this week!


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  • Enfield Edible Garden Project

    Published 25/05/21

    Over the last few weeks, the children at St Edmund's have developed green fingers! Across the school, all children in all year groups have taken part in an Enfield Borough project to grow fruit and vegetables. As well as growing strawberries, cucumber, planting a new apple and plum tree, we will soon have our very own greenhouse to ensure this newfound love of gardening is here to stay!

    This project will conclude in some special lessons in a couple of weeks when children will enjoy and taste the fruits of their labour.

    A special thanks to Mrs Jenkins, who is leading the project across the school. ​


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  • World Day For Cultural Diversity

    Published 21/05/21

    Today we were proud to be joining cities from across the world in celebrating World Day of Cultural Diversity. 

    All week children have been learning about a chosen country or continent. This finished today with a showcase of work and activities in the playground and online. Our whole school community also got into the spirit by wearing traditional dress or colours.  Please have a look in 'Our School Gallery' to see all the pictures from today and look on your child's Google Classroom account for the Padlet activity, which will show the uploaded work from those working at home this week.

    Thank you everyone, for getting into the spirit!


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  • Lunchtime's Golden Table

    Published 13/05/21

    We are incredibly fortunate at St Edmund's to provide and promote our children with healthy and wholesome lunches. As part of our lunchtime routine, we can also encourage and promote good manners and behaviour whilst at the table. To recognise and celebrate just this, our midday assistants have set up a Golden Table Award where lovely manners and behaviours are rewarded with a 'Golden Ticket'.

    Each Friday, the lucky winners get to sit at a special table where they will be served by the adults and enjoy their lunch on the golden plates and drink from the golden cups. This reward applies to all, whether hot or packed lunches and as you can see from the picture, Year 4 have certainly enjoyed their time today!


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  • Year 6's Virtual Workshop!

    Published 07/05/21
    Year 6 took part today in a very special virtual assembly. They were joined by Leo Powell, an incredibly engaging speaker who spoke to the children about the dangers of county lines, gangs, exploitation, grooming and more.  Children thoroughl
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May 2021