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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Engagement, enjoyment and creativity form the basis of teaching in Year 1. We endeavour to create an atmosphere in which the curriculum is taught interactively. Our topic learning allows us to teach in a cross-curricular manner, enabling us to find links between different areas.

In Year 1, the children begin to follow the National Curriculum as a whole class during lessons.

Access to Numbots

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Numbots will ask you for the school name or postcode before your child can log in. Please enter our postcode N9 7HJ

Year Group Team

Miss Pittendreigh

Mrs Johnson

Miss Sinclair 

Mrs Kelaj 


PE will take place on Monday and Thursday's. Children are expected to come to school in their PE kit on their PE days, and if they are taking part in a club after school. Earrings must not be worn on PE days.

What are Year1 learning this week?


This term, we have been learning about time and using clocks to tell the time accurately.  The children have learnt about the hour and minute hands and can identify O'clock and half past times.


Year 1 have been learning about plants this term and they have planted cress seeds.  The children learnt that the seeds will grow in cotton wool, and they need water, light and warmth to grow well.  The children have kept a close eye on the seeds and seen them grow quickly, making sure to water them every day.


In Religious Education, Year 1 have been learning all about the Good Samaritan and the good deeds that he did.  Children have role-played some scenes where they have carried out a good deed, such as helping a friend that is hurt in the playground.


In Computing we have been using pictograms and have started to learn about some of the things you can do with spreadsheets.


In History, we have learnt about the moon landings and Neil Armstrong.  We have also been thinking about the ways in which the news of this event was shared with the world.  In the photo, we were comparing past and present ways of sharing the news, such as newspapers and social media.


Homework / Home Reading

Your child will be set three pieces of homework each week. This will consist of Maths, English and Reading. They will receive one piece of RE homework every half-term. All homework will be set via Google Classroom. It will go out on Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday. Maths homework will generally be set online through My Maths:

Children are provided with a reading book suited to their ability to further support their reading at home; this book is returned each week, and they are issued with a new one. We also encourage our pupils to continue their reading at home through the use of ‘Bug Club’ books which they can access through a login.


Focus is drawn on learning to read using phonics as it plays a crucial role. That is, teaching phonics gives children the ability to decode letters into their respective sounds, a skill essential for them to read unfamiliar words independently. At St Edmund’s, we use ‘Letters and Sounds’ to teach phonics alongside the Phonics Bug and Jolly Phonics resources as appropriate.


We have begun to use ‘Numbots’ in Year 1 to further develop children’s confidence and fluency in using their number bonds for addition and subtraction. This platform is enjoyable, educational and sets the children up with a solid foundation which will support them as they move through the school.