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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

We would like to take this opportunity to say hello and extend a warm welcome to the children and parents joining us in Year 5 this year. We have lots of exciting things planned and hope your children will share these experiences with you on a regular basis.

Year 5 is a hugely important year in your school life. Being in Upper key Stage Two, the children have a responsibility to be role models to the younger pupils. They will experience new opportunities and challenges throughout the year, both inside and outside of the classroom. These will help them to develop and evolve both as learners and as the young adults they are transforming in to.

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The Year 5 Team:

Mrs Fadahunsi

Miss Nkundo

Mrs Spadafora

What are Year 5 learning?


In English, the children have been exploring persuasive writing. During the first half of the summer term, they composed speeches for or against Extinction Rebellion, where they conducted research and formed their own opinions, using evidence from their findings and their persuasive language skills.

In this final half-term, they continued with persuasive writing by drafting letters to Mr. Abraham, requesting more outdoor playground opportunities, and supporting their arguments with evidence. They have produced some wonderful letters. Well done!


In Maths, the children explored the fact that there are 360° in a full turn, and therefore 180° in half a turn, 90° in a quarter turn (or right angle), and 270° in a three-quarter turn. They then moved on to position and direction, in which the children identified the coordinates of given points on a grid, then plotted points with given coordinates. This led to drawing shapes on a coordinate grid with given coordinates or working out the coordinates of a shape from known information.

The children then went on to make connections between whole numbers and decimals. For example, they learned that 7 ones + 9 ones = 16 ones, and therefore, 7 hundredths + 9 hundredths = 16 hundredths. Finally, the children were introduced to negative numbers.


In Science, as we continued the topic Earth and Space! The children in Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their Earth and Space WOW Day. Here is a recap of the day:

The universe was brought into the hall at St Edmund's as Year 5 celebrated their Earth and Space WOW Day. They had a visit from Explore Dome, where the presenters led an immersive exhibition showcasing Earth, the solar system, and the stars.

First, they entered the dome by crawling. Once inside, they were amazed.

"I learned a lot about space and the planets. I would really love to go again. My favourite part was when everything went dark."

"It was an amazing and immersive experience about space and stars. I will always remember my experience here at the dome."

"The dome was fun. We learned about different planets. I felt shocked at how cool it was! Did you know the sun is made of dead stars?"

"We entered through a tunnel. The inside was a big grey dome with a projector. It showed us close-up shots of the sun and different planets. When we were learning about how stars die, everything went dark, and we heard a loud bang. We also learned about the North Star."

The children also created Earth and space-themed board games, explored the NASA Kids website, and played space games. To end the day, they watched a video about life on the International Space Station (ISS).


In RE, we learned about all the people Jesus appeared to after he rose again and what the Divinity of Christ means through the topic of Easter to Pentecost. We then moved on to "A Virtuous Life," diving deeper into Luke's Gospel story of the Good Samaritan. We explored the Catholic virtues of prudence, courage, restraint, and justice, explaining how these virtues are displayed in the characters in Jesus' story of the Good Samaritan.


In Year 5, under the topic "Crime and Punishment," students learn about the history of crime and its consequences, exploring various types of crimes and the evolution of punishments over time. They study famous historical cases, the justice system, and the moral and ethical considerations surrounding crime and punishment. This topic also includes discussions on fairness, justice, and the impact of laws on society.

We had an unexpected WoW day where the children delved into the world of forensic science, taking on the role of scientists to analyse clues and solve a crime. Following their investigations, they completed a quiz to showcase their newfound knowledge. Everyone had a great time!


In Computing we have used spreadsheets to work out the cost of making cupcakes and found out how much profit we could make if we sold them for 20p each.




P.E. Day for Year 5 – Tuesday.

Full kit is required to be worn to school on both days.

P.E. Kit includes – Plain Navy Tracksuit Bottoms, Plain Navy Sweatshirt, Navy Shorts, White Polo Shirt Top, Black Plimsolls or Plain White/Black Trainers (no logos please)


Homework / Home Reading

Each week, homework will be given as follows:

Spelling homework is uploaded every Thursday on Google Classroom to be submitted the following Monday.

Maths homework is uploaded every Thursday on MyMaths to be submitted the following Monday.

One piece of R.E. Homework will be set on Google Classroom every half-term. It will be set on a Thursday to be submitted the following Tuesday.                         

Home reading – Home reading books must be read by an adult and signed each week. They will be sent home on a Thursday and should be returned by Tuesday.

 The children should also complete 20 minutes of daily reading.

Topic Related Projects are often given over holiday periods.

Times tables are practised regularly in class, and it would be beneficial if they practice at home also. These are tested regularly.